SUCCESS #STARTUP 01/30/2025 A new implantable biomaterial for bone reconstruction that is completely resorbable
SUCCESS #HEALTH 09/03/2024 When a new method of interpretating MRI data revolutionizes detection of liver fibrosis
SUCCESS #Consortium 06/03/2024 Erganeo and Cap Digital have created the Hyperion consortium to secure "French Tech Seed" certification for their tech startups.
SUCCESS #STARTUP 06/28/2023 A new formulation for the treatment and prevention of metastases from colon cancer
SUCCESS #STARTUP 04/21/2023 An innovative new approach to the treatment of inflammatory diseases such as Alzheimer's and NASH.
SUCCESS #STARTUP 03/29/2023 A new artificial intelligence solution for the reliable, non-invasive and ultra-swift diagnosis of digestive tract lesions.
SUCCESS #actualité 01/10/2023 The Sci-Ty project, "Innovation for the Cities and Mobilities of Tomorrow", co-directed by the Gustave Eiffel University and the SATT Erganeo, winner of the France 2030 call for pre-maturation-maturation projects
SUCCESS #actualité 10/05/2022 Availability of a revolutionary early intervention device, helping newborns to crawl.
SUCCESS #actualité 06/10/2022 Erganeo and Emvista sign a license for the use of a unique language resource.
SUCCESS #Technology 05/23/2022 Gnosia renews its licensing agreement with Erganeo and develops the RapDys dyslexia remediation application.
SUCCESS #STARTUP 04/04/2022 Orixha, wins the 2022 innovation award co-organised by Lyonbiopole during Medi'Nov.
SUCCESS #STARTUP 03/24/2022 Evora Biosciences, Orixha and Icon Photonics among the 100 start-ups to invest in in 2022 (Challenges)
SUCCESS #STARTUP 03/21/2022 The start-ups Orixha and SideROS, finalists of the sixth edition of the Catapult acceleration programme supported by EIT Health.
SUCCESS #INVESTMENT 03/10/2021 The start-up created and supported by Erganeo, Augmented Endoscopy selected for the Tech Tour France Transfer Invest.
SUCCESS #actualité 03/02/2021 Success of the Clear-Doc program, a project coordinated by the Université Gustave Eiffel and supported by Erganeo
SUCCESS #actualité 07/30/2020 The General Secretariat for Investment (SGPI) designates Erganeo and its 2 subsidiaries Linkinnov and Lencify as "Nugget of PIA" in its 2019 activity report.
SUCCESS #Concours 07/22/2020 Start-up ICON Photonics wins national "Grand Prize" in i-Lab 2020 competition
SUCCESS #Licensing 06/29/2020 License agreement with an american start-up in the treatment of anaemia and rare genetic disorders
SUCCESS #actualité 06/03/2020 Start-ups Orixha and Evora Biosciences winners of the EIT Health Headstart program.
SUCCESS #Brainvectis 05/26/2020 As Askbio acquires Brainvectis, Erganeo’s first start-up flies the nest.
SUCCESS #actualité 04/06/2020 Erganeo signs a license agreement with Evora Biosciences, a pioneer in next-generation cellular therapies
SUCCESS #STARTUP 04/17/2019 Supported by Erganeo, start-up Neurallys raises €750,000 to develop connected neurosurgery
SUCCESS #INVESTMENT 01/17/2019 Sequoïa, the consortium led by Erganeo, Incub’13 and Creative Valley, awarded Bpifrance’s label